The Lesson Plan

A Lesson Plan is a document that describes the reason, ways and means for delivering a lesson. There are various formats for lesson plans, but at a minimum a complete lesson plan document should include, in some form, the following parts:

NOTE: With today's available tools, stimulating and informative images and other multi-sensory components, properly inserted, can help vitalize Lesson Plan documents and make them more effective communication tools.



Name/Title/Subject of the lesson
Name of the teacher




The purpose of the lesson (What the lesson is about)
The specific grade-level state academic standards addressed, and any other applicable standards being addressed, e.g. English language development (ELD, SDAIE), Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA/TPE) - See sample - please find others @ web


This section should list each and every material and supply necessary to properly deliver the lesson in a specific environment or classroom, including materials and supplies needed to assist students with special language development or disability needs







Total est TIME: _____



(Also named “Into…”, or “Anticipatory set…”

TIME est.: ________


This section contains a clear description of the topic, and how students will be motivated and induced into the lesson.
Review of required previous awareness and knowledge to be ready to be activated to participate in this lesson


(Also named: “Through…”)



TIME est.: ________


This section lists the steps of a teaching sequence (time estimates for each step help). As needed, include any specific modifications and accommodations to be made to help students in the classroom with special language development, or other needs. Major steps:

Direct instruction (“I do …”)
Guided practice (“We do …”)
Independent practice (“You do …”)
Closure (Summarization and conclusion)



TIME est.: ________

Descriptions of how student progress will be monitored and corrective actions taken during the execution (Formative), and at the end of or after (Summative) the lesson.

Assessment should refer to monitoring and corrective actions for both standard and special needs students, and should be inserted, as best possible within the description of each of the corresponding lesson steps.

TIME est.: ________



TIME est.: ________

This section would allow the addition of any reflective comments and possible suggestions for improving the teaching environment and possibly improve the teaching, learning and other outcomes observed in this or a similar lesson in the future .  The reflection section is where teachers can document their own retrospective views, and their efforts to improve their professional practice.
(Also named: “Follow up …” or “Beyond ….”)

TIME est.: ________