Build an MS Access 2003 “Student Data Base” using the Wizard.
Open the MS Access program
Select to create a "New" - "Blank database", name it something like "myschool"
On the selection menu, choose Tables, and select "Create table by using wizard" - Choose the sample table "Students", and - Choose all but the "Major", and "Student number" fields. Let the name of the table also be "myschool". Let the "Enter data directly into the table" option be selected.
When the table window appears, fill in the rows (records) with the information for 3 students. Use the ENTER, or TAB key to move from cell to cell. Use simple fake information for this example - information can be modified later.
Close ("X") the table input window.
On the selection menu, choose Forms, and select "Create form by using wizard" - Select all the available fields (as set in the Table creation step. Let the "Columnar" format be selected. Let the "Blends" style be selected. Let the "Open the form to view or enter information" choice be selected. Press the "Finish" button.
When the created form appears, play with it. Modify previous entries, and add new information.
Close ("X") the form window.
On the selection menu, choose Reports, and select "Create report by using wizard" - Select only the "FirstName", "LastName", "ParentsNames", and "PhoneNumber" fields. Let stand (skip) the default choices in the "Do you want to add any grouping levels", and "What order do you want to sort your records", and "How do you want to lay out your report" - Choose any of the reports styles offered in the"Which style would you like" window, and keep the "Preview the report" choice. Press the "Finish" button. View the report shown, and close the report window.
Using the Reports selection menu again, call the report just created by double clicking on its entry. A window with an image of the report should appear. Request (top-right corner) the maximized view of this window.
Snap the image of the screen (press the SHIFT and PRINT SCREEN keys of the keyboard simultaneously). This will save the image of the screen on the machine's clipboard memory.
Open the MS Paint program, and PASTE the clipboard image on the canvas. Use the FILE SAVE-AS pull-down menu option of PAINT to save the image on the DESKTOP, with a COMPRESSED FORMAT such as JPG or GIF (see sample below), using your name to create the standard file name (such as "RNakamoto#7c").
Email the file to the instructor and yourself (SAFE COPY), Delete the desktop file created.