TED5311 Classroom Environment - Sample Final Quiz

Consult your textbook, and/or any other relevant sources to work out brief and concise answers (a couple of sentences each) to the following questions - cite sources that could support your answers

Score RUBRIC (10 points each + 10 Extra Credit) - focused not necessarily on the specific answers, but on the explanations behind the answers, i.e. "whys" or "why nots":
1-(25%) needs major work,
2-(50%) needs focus/relation to standards,
3- (75%) needs depth,
4-(90%) needs detail,
5-(100%) Very Good

1.- As a parent of a K-12 student in the U.S., and if free and able to chose, which form of alternative school (e.g. private, parochial, charter, home) could you prefer as an alternative to the standard public system, and why?

2.- If you had to and could choose an alternative country to educate your children, which one would you select, and why?

3.- As a new K-12 teacher, and if given the opportunity, which other state, besides California, would you prefer to teach at, and why?

4.- Name the three (3) most important rules you would enforce in your classroom to create a more disciplined, respectful, creative and productive environment? Explain the expected effect of each of the rules.

5.- Should boys and girls be separated by gender in corresponding K-12 classroom? Why, or why not?

6.- Should promising bright children be separated by ability in our K-12 classrooms? Why, or why not?

7.- Should teachers in schools and classrooms achieving higher test scores be paid correspondingly more? Why, or why not?

8.- Do you believe there should be more or less electronic technology in K-12 classrooms? Why, or why not?

9.- What two (2) most important characteristics should be focused on a teacher applicant's resume? Why?

10.- At which level should the K-12 academic curriculum be controlled: National, State, County, City, District, school, individual teacher, parents? Why?

XTRA Credit: (5 pts) What could be the possible benefits, drawbacks, and risks of using classroom videotaping of disruptive, difficult students as information for contacting support personnel and parents to assist their teachers?

XTRA Credit: (5 pts) What would be the possible benefits and drawbacks of requiring K-12 students to wear uniforms?