TED5110 - Web Publishing

LECTURE - Multimedia production:

       Still Images – Paint, Image-Ready, Photoshop, Scanner and Camera Wizard

        Sound – Audacity, Sound recorder, Cdex, Gold Wave, Cakewalk, Windows Media Player, Real Player.

        Animation – Flash, Director, Java Developers Kit

        Video – MS Movie Maker, Sony Vegas


WHY and HOW can the teachers proficiency on the Internet and webpages be helpful in improving the students education and curricular performance, as indicated by standard testing? WHY WEBPAGES (as opposed to other means of presentation of information and stimuli to students)? Advantages and disadvantages of the webpage option.

Web page design - inserting functionalities, Publishing (hosting), and maintaining web pages.

A web site.

There are several options for establishing a website:

  1. Using a commercial, non-free, teacher oriented service, such as Teacher Web. - Very simple, but more constrained.
  2. Using a free shared hosting service such as Google-Sites. - Simpler, and a little more flexible to customize.
  3. Other shared web publishing options - Iweb- for the Mac. Social networking options ( i.e. Myspace, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, TeacherTube , etc. )
  4. Using a dedicated, private web server area. This option requires for the user to secure both a unique "Domain Name" (example of domain registration service provider), to insure uniqueness in the site and pages URL (name), and a physical space (access) in a dedicated web server, (example of web hosting provider) where the site pages will be hosted and available to the world. In class we can use the dedicated class web server (eui.csueastbay.edu), similarly as teachers could access the dedicated web servers at the districts. While not as simple, this option is normally more powerful. Rich, diverse content and media can be incorporated flexibly into a web site and pages. A "competent" webpage editor program (some software can be expensive) is needed for to implement this option. Programs such as MS FrontPage or Adobe Dreamweaver are commonly used for professional quality editing.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Users accessing web pages use programs called BROWSER (MS Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc.), and these programs, if not told specifically for the name of a page to look for, will try to access the default page name index.html (or index.htm). It is therefore helpful to name the main, HOME page: index.html, so users can access this main page without having to type any specific names to start their navigation.

a) Building a basic Web Page using Google-Sites. (see starter guide, and corresponding Help pages)

b) Designing and publishing a web sites using FrontPage (See step-by-step Frontpage start guide) or Dreamweaver ( See step-by-step Dreamweaver start guide - Other choices of web editors exist for students to consider, such as Page Breeze/Pro.($30).

NOTE: To access the class web server, students will be given (email message) a USERNAME / PASSWORD combination to be able to access the class web server (edui.csueastbay.edu)

NOTE: If using a simpler editor such as PageBreeze basic, and Google-sites, and there are no object-oriented tools readily available for inserting active content (audio, video, Flash), the HTML code for the page can be directly edited (see HTML modifications), to include or modify the behavior of the media player involved as an embedded PLUGIN. The name of the desired files and window parameters changed call the desired content.

Working on the Assignment : Each student will create a basic webpage with an educational theme, (miscellaneous student samples: Sample1, Sample2, Sample3, Sample4, Sample5). and for the assignment, should include the following, for corresponding points:

  1. Basic text, including the student's name, and an educational theme (up to 85 points)
  2. A table, an image (properly resized/compressed format), and an external hyperlink (up to 95 points)
  3. A link to a previously-loaded PDF document , a link to a previously-loaded PPT or PPS (PowerPoint Presentation, Show) - document (up to 100 points) -
  4. A sound clip (compressed format), and internal link, a video clip and/or interactive activity (e.g. Flash, or Java) (up to 105 points) - 5 extra credit points!