QUESTIONHow do I communicate with the instructor?


Class communication with the instructor is expected through the Blackboard and CSUEB mail systems (Instructor email address: felipe.razo@csueastbay.edu) . If students use a different mail system, it is their responsibility to properly link and route messages to their personal mail systems. Failing to fulfill requirements correctly due to not properly receiving and/or reviewing ongoing class communications is entirely the responsibility of each student.

Class work is normally completed by editing text documents (Making sure they will be editable by the instructor, to provide feedback if required) and then submitting them through the COURSE MATERIALS option in Blackboard. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Course Materials entry window allows for only a SINGLE SUBMISSION operation - So please make sure to have ALL your materials ready for submission simultaneously, otherwise it becomes difficult and time consuming to undo partial entries to be able to resubmit all the due documents at once.

QUESTIONHow do I name my assignment submission document files?


Assignment attachment file names (NOT THE MESSAGE TITLE) must be formatted as follows:

"BNakamoto#5b.doc", where: B is the student first name initial (.e.g. B for Brenda)
Nakamoto is the student last name
# is the shift-3 keyboard "pound" symbol
5b is the assignment number (in the example, Assignment #5, part b)
.doc is the file-type extension (a ".doc"DOCUMENT file, in this case)-SUCH EXTENSIONS ARE ASSIGNED BY THE COMPUTER, PLEASE DO NOT ENTER, NOR MODIFY

Please remember that the title of the message can be any related text chosen, such as "Here are my Assignment 5 documents ", but the name of the attached files should follow the standard format. IMPROPERLY NAMED FILES WILL NOT BE ACEPTED, because they can be easily misplaced, or confused with those of others with the same, or similar names (e.g. "Document1.doc").

DEADLINE TIMES are BEFORE the begriming time of the following class (NOTE: Blackboard automatically close folders at the deadline times).

Without exception, late submissions are automatically downgraded 50% of their full score value.

Early submissions, on the other hand, have the potential to be reviewed and feedback given by the instructor in time for correction, so the maximum possible score can be achieved.

QUESTIONHow do I know my scores/grade in the class?


The instructor will make extraordinary efforts to maintain the students scores as up-to-date as possibe updated in the Blackboard Gradebook as soon as possible, throughout the quarter.

Again, keep in mind that submitting work on or ahead of time can help prevent late penalties (50%), by giving the instructor time to to provide possible helpful feedback to the students, and obtain full credit.